assign next serial number based on contents of another cell



column A titled "serial number", column B titled "line item", column C titled
If column B contains 5 line items for the same cargo in column C, how do I
get column A to input the next serial number only after contents in Column C
has changed.

Per Jessen


Enter first serial number in A2, then insert this formula in A3 and copy
down. If cargo cell is empty, serial number cell will also be empty.


Hopes this helps.


Hi Clint,

To increment one number in the serial number column when:

1. Cargo text field changes


2. Above the current row there are 5 lines with the same cargo text as the
current row, AND those rows have the same serial number as the preceding row.

In cell A2 enter first serial number - i.e. 1001.

In cell A3 enter:


Hope this helps.


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