Assign random numbers



Hello everyone

I have a table with roughly 40000 records, that gets more records added
weekly. From this table my staff work through each record and add a closed
date when finalised. The table the staff are working off contains an
"Investigated By" field which is linked to the staff members name on a
seperate table, the default investigated by name is "Exception". At this
point, only one person can work on the records at a time. The amount of
records that get added weekly varies and I want to be able to allocate an
employees name to each new record so that they show up in their "Pending
List". As I said, the amount of records varies each week, and I do not know
how to make a query automatically count the number of new records, divide
that number by the amount of staff and assign a name to the record.

if anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate your help!

Jerry Whittle

What is the primary key field for this table? Also actual names for both of
the tables and fields such as staff members would help us help you.


Hi Jerry

Thanks for your reply. In answer to your questions, the primary key field
for the table is “ComplaintIDâ€. The table names are

“Complaints†(order and name of Fields is as follows: ComplaintID,
CustomerID, DateReceived, ReceivedBy, CMSRef, Policy/ReferenceNo, Medium,
MediumSource, Policy Type, TypeOfContact, Department, Issue, IssueType,
IssueSubType, UnderlyingIssue, UnderlyingSubIssue, ExpectedCompletion,
DateFinalised, Cost, Comments, InvestigatedBy, Status, BusinessMaintained,
FileResolved, ErrorConsultant, Archive, EscalatedClaim, Trigger, Last
Contact, Notes, ClaimNumber, 48H, 7D, EGWR, ERRMAN, FBO)


“Staff Names†(order and name of Fields is as follows: Staff ID, Log in,
Staff Name, FirstName, Team, Class). The class field in the Staff Names table
is used to show whether a staff member is working, or is on leave.

I hope that this is the information you were after, and thank you for your

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