Assigned Seating/Inventory



I have a db with ticket sales. I want to have an inventory list of all the
seats and be able to assign them to the purchasers. I can't find a way to
produce a seating inventory that removes the seats as they are assigned so
there's no doubling. It also needs to be able to do multiple
performances/days for the same customer.

Any ideas?


I have a basic table with all the info that's added via a form. I also have a
table with all the seat numbers. Currently I manually enter the seat numbers
into the customer table. This obviously has issues. I also do some reports
with ticket totals and seat assignments.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Don't mean to be redundant/repetitious, but.... What is the table structure
that you have so far? Tell us the fields (and their datatypes) that you're

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