Assigned task are in my sent Items



I am having a major problem with my form. Does anybody know of a
reason why my form when it generates an assigned task and the task is
sent it gets stored in the Sent Items folder. The check boxes for
"Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list" and "Send me a
status report when this task is complete" are both checked. I don't
understand why it is doing this. The task does notify you when it is
updated and when it is complete but for somereason goes to the the
wrong folder.

Here is the routine I am using to generate this assigned task.
The button is also on a task form.

Sub Assign2_Click

set ProtoItem = application.activeinspector.currentitem

set RequestItem = Application.CreateItem(3)
RequestItem.Subject = PersonAssigned & " - " & CustomerName & " - #"
& ProtoNumber
RequestItem.Body = chr(13) & chr(10) & PersonAssigned & " here is
Document #" & DocNumber & ". Please complete the Form as soon as
you can. After completion please set the status on this task to
complete." & chr(13)
RequestItem.DueDate = Now() + 21
RequestItem.Categories = "Department"
RequestItem.Attachments.Add ProtoItem, 4, 1, "Yarn Coating"
RequestItem.Attachments.Add "\\PHIFERUTILITY\Public\Word.doc", 1

ProtoItem.Body = chr(13) & chr(10) & ProtoItem.Body & chr(13) &
chr(10) & Now() & chr(13) & chr(10) & "Task assigned to " &
PersonAssigned & "." & chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10)
ProtoItem.Attachments.Add RequestItem, 4


Set ProtoItem = Nothing
Set RequestItem = Nothing

End Sub

Please help.

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