Assigned Tasks' updates won't open in Outlook


Dave Harry

Windows XP SP2
Office 2003 SP2
All latest security updates installed, using WSUS.

I am having trouble with a function of Outlook. In my OL2003, when a task is
assigned to another person, then a Task Update is received on the
originating computer, the update can be viewed in the reading pane but
cannot be opened.
The original task on the originating PC still opens, but is not updated with

This is not a feature I regularly use personally, but have been told by
those who rely on it daily that it stopped working about 3-4 days ago.

Incidentally, our WSUS server installed KB892843 late last week. I removed
this update from my computer using the Control Panel, but it seemed to make
no difference.

Is this a known issue, and are there any workarounds or fixes?


I have had this 'unanticipated feature' show up on half the PCs in our

All machines that are running Outlook 2003 with either SP1 or SP2
installed, and then received & installed the 06Jan12 Outlook and
Exchange critical security update (Microsoft Security Bulletin
MS06-003; KB892843) were unable to open assigned tasks in their inbox.

We don't have any PCs running Outlook 2003 pre-SP1, or earlier
editions of Outlook, so I don't know if KB892843 impacts opening
assigned tasks in these older versions of Outlook.

The PCs running Outlook 2003 with SP1 or SP2, but hadn't yet installed
KB892843 were also not affected.

Removing KB892843 from the affected machines & rebooting allowed users
to open newly assigned tasks in their inbox as normal, but they still
can't open the assigned tasks that were already received while KB892843
was installed. These tasks will have to be deleted by the receivers,
and recreated & re-sent by their senders.

All machines are running either Win2000 or WinXP Pro with up-to-date SP
and security patches. The effects of KB892843 weren't specific to
Win2000 or WinXP machines -- just any PCs running Outlook 2003 with
either SP1 or SP2 installed, and with KB892843 installed.

It looks like we'll have to stop auto-installing Windows / Microsoft
updates that come in overnight until MS fixes this 'D-OH!'



We saw exactly the same behavior in our office for every machine running
Outllook 2003. D'oh indeed.

The KB article mentions that SP2 blocks unauthorized programs from running.
One would hope that Accepting Tasks was an authorized program, but maybe not.
<rolls eyes>

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