Assignment in Task Usage


Lapshin Poul

Hi. I need to get Assignment ID when selecting a cell with Resource Name in
TaskUsage view. I tried to use "Application.ActiveCell.Task" construction,
but couldn't get any result.

Any help will be welcomed.
Best regards

Jan De Messemaeker


There may be shorter ways but this should do it:

for each As in activeselection.tasks(1).assignments
if as.resourcename=activecell.text then
debug.print As.uniqueid
exit for
end if
next As

Hope this helps,
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

Lapshin Poul

Thanks Jan.
It is a good way, but it doesn't work with other cells in a row.
I want to get assignment ID when clicking any cell in assignment row.
Maybe you know any other way.

Lapshin Poul

Jan. Thank you for your helps in my first question. Maybe you can help me in
my second question?

Jan De Messemaeker


The hard truth is I can't find a solution.
AFAIK no propery of either activeselection nor Activecell in this
circumstances allows to identify the resource nor the assignment.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

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