Hi, How do I setup a shortcut to a macro uisng VBA using Office '97. Regards Bo Rasmussen
B Bo Rasmussen Sep 14, 2005 #1 Hi, How do I setup a shortcut to a macro uisng VBA using Office '97. Regards Bo Rasmussen
A Anne Troy Sep 14, 2005 #2 While not exactly the same, it's very similar to this: http://www.officearticles.com/misc/methods_to_run_a_macro_in_microsoft_office_applications.htm ************ Anne Troy www.OfficeArticles.com
While not exactly the same, it's very similar to this: http://www.officearticles.com/misc/methods_to_run_a_macro_in_microsoft_office_applications.htm ************ Anne Troy www.OfficeArticles.com
B Bo Rasmussen Sep 15, 2005 #3 Hi Anne, FYI I found this in the help for the Rebind command This sets the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-5 to the macro documentSetup located in the module1 module. CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument Set myKey = FindKey(BuildKeyCode(wdKeyControl, wdKeyShift, wdKey5)) myKey.Rebind KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, Command:="module1.documentSetup" Regards Bo
Hi Anne, FYI I found this in the help for the Rebind command This sets the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-5 to the macro documentSetup located in the module1 module. CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument Set myKey = FindKey(BuildKeyCode(wdKeyControl, wdKeyShift, wdKey5)) myKey.Rebind KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, Command:="module1.documentSetup" Regards Bo