Hi, I am pretty new to this and just tinkering around with various
searchs to try to piece together a working way of taking audit data and
putting it into a printable / legible document. I have gotten
everything to work to this point except for the one vital final piece.
I have three worksheets: main, second, and filter. The filter worksheet
is where all the information is formatted. What has to happen then is
the audit date (day value of that I want) to use to format a range of
data on main and second.
For Example:
Audit Date ='s November 1,2006
I would like the 1 in the audit date to be set to y (not sure how), so
that y can be used in my next formula of:
sheets("Main").cells(x,(y-1)).value = sheets("Filter").Cells(x,4).value
with a loop in there to loop through it 49 times for main +1 increments
(which I figure a For and Next is sufficient. The reason I want it to
do it based on date is so that it will auto update upon opening based
on the audit date in the file so there is no user error possible.
My problem lies with just converting the day from date to a value that
can be used in such a way...
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I get confused easily when
you use your technical jargon so of you can give me a description of
how or why it works that would be great also.
searchs to try to piece together a working way of taking audit data and
putting it into a printable / legible document. I have gotten
everything to work to this point except for the one vital final piece.
I have three worksheets: main, second, and filter. The filter worksheet
is where all the information is formatted. What has to happen then is
the audit date (day value of that I want) to use to format a range of
data on main and second.
For Example:
Audit Date ='s November 1,2006
I would like the 1 in the audit date to be set to y (not sure how), so
that y can be used in my next formula of:
sheets("Main").cells(x,(y-1)).value = sheets("Filter").Cells(x,4).value
with a loop in there to loop through it 49 times for main +1 increments
(which I figure a For and Next is sufficient. The reason I want it to
do it based on date is so that it will auto update upon opening based
on the audit date in the file so there is no user error possible.
My problem lies with just converting the day from date to a value that
can be used in such a way...
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I get confused easily when
you use your technical jargon so of you can give me a description of
how or why it works that would be great also.