Assistance with advanced formulas



I am attempting to simplify the time sheet for a client. She has multiple
clients that she works for and enters time on a single sheet. I need to set
up a formula on a new sheet that will look through the entries in 2 columns
of her original time sheet and calculate the time for each client (2 of her
clients have multiple services with different charges). The end result will
give total hours & charges for each client (the 2 with multi services would
have subtotals and a grand total).

original sheet looks like this
date service client hours

need to show this info on new sheet
client service total hours cost

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I can send someone a sample xls if it would help.

Thank you.


sounds like a perfect case for a pivot table
you could multiply the rate per client by the time before you pivot, or as a
calculated field

Bob Phillips

Assuming you are only looking for the totals hours value on sheet 2,




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Ah, but can a pivot table be set up prior to the time being entered so that
it auto populates the table at the end of each pay period?

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