Assistance with Loop construction


Joe Mac


I have a Loop process that I'm looking to construct and I am having trouble
getting out of the gates... I thank in advance for any/all assistance and
direction received through this channel...

Problem background -
Monthly a table of thousands of entries have to be updated to include
modified definitions received from the client... There is a set of common
fields/rows that we start each month with as a "copy template"... the
updates that we receive from the client includes a subset of the fields...
someone manually copies the rows from the "copy template" and pastes these
rows into a "Master table" appending to the bottom of the table with each
copy... the newly copied rows are then modified to reflect the client

I've been able to automate all but the most important part, the
modifications to the pasted rows... I know that I want to loop through the
client changes and affect the changes in specific columns, that's where I've
been unsuccessful in the construct of For Loops...

Here is a scaled down version of what I'm looking to do... Loop through the
client data and affect the changes to the "copy template"...

Thanks in advance-

"copy template"
Market - Coverage - Months - EffectiveDate
ATLANTA AA1 12 01/01/2008
BOSTON AA1 12 01/01/2008
CHICAGO AA1 12 01/01/2008
DALLAS AA1 12 01/01/2008
ATLANTA BB1 24 01/01/2008
BOSTON BB1 24 01/01/2008
CHICAGO BB1 24 01/01/2008
DALLAS BB1 24 01/01/2008

"client changes"
Coverage - Months - EffectiveDate
AA1 24 01/01/2009
BB1 36 01/01/2009
CC1 24 01/01/2009

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