Does anyone know how to edit this shortcut?
You can edit the Access shortcut in any text editor. There's a line for the
database path and file name, but none for the workgroup information file.
The workaround for this is to already be logged into the workgroup file when
opening the Access shortcut. The user will then be prompted for his user ID
and password before the Access object is opened in Access.
Alternatively, a Windows shortcut can be created with the necessary path and
file name of the Access executable, the necessary path and file name of the
database file, the necessary path and file name of the workgroup information
file, and either a startup form can automatically open the table or a macro
with the /x command-line switch can be added to the shortcut to run a
specially created macro to open the table.
http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.
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