Associating summary tasks to rows in a view



I have created a view in the SQL database to return all my tasks that are
incomplete, however the task names returned are sort of generic and becuase
the summary tasks are not there, the view is useless. Anyone know how to
find a tasks summary line? My situation is this.

CAS-233435 Bug in program
.............Programming.....................employee 1
.............QA....................................emoloyee 2

But my view only returns the bottom two tasks becuase the summary tasks do
not have resources assigned to them.



The project database has a field "TASK_IS_Summary" in MSP_TASKS and
"TASK_OUTLINE_NUM" using a query to identify those tasks which are summary
tasks, and then checking where the Task outline number reflects the higher
level number of the tasks being reported on you should get the summary task
as well.

However, as this is an issue with reporting, a practice we use in house is
to always precede the task with the summary task name. So build wall as a
task of say structure summary task, would be listed as "Structure - Build
wall". That way we can see at a glance in which general summary of tasks the
specific task resides.

Hope this is of help




The concatination is a perfect solution. Thanks a lot. You wouldnt be
willing to share the query for finding a tasks summary would you?


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