Hi Sash,
How about creating a dummy extra field in your import table, allow it to be
null? Would that work?
Or, have you considered preparsing that data - to clip off the trailing
comma? You said the extra comma was on every row, you could read the file
in with a function that truncated that char off. Something like the below.
You could make this more elaborate, set it up to read all of the files
(probably using the Dir function) in a newdata folder, move the input files
to a completed folder as they are processed, and import each output file
after it's trailing comma has been truncated. Instead of using a Const for
the filename, you would use the Dir function to return the myInFile and
maybe prepend a prefix like myOutFile = "clean_" & myInFile or you could
import each myOutFile as it is created - then overwrite it with the next
file, import, etc.
Const myInFile as String = "C:\myfolder\myInFile.csv"
Const myOutFile as String = "C:\myfolder\myOutFile.csv"
dim fin as integer
dim fout as integer
dim s as string
fin = FreeFile()
Open myInFile for input as #fin
fout = FreeFile()
Open myOutFile four output as #fout
Do While Not EOF(fin)
Line Input #fin, s
Print #fout, Left(s, InstrRev(s, ",")-1)
Close #fin
Close #fout
Hope this helps,