At your Survey Questions



First fo all a big thanks for Mr. Hookom for this wonderful application
which helped a lot of newbies including me. i have a few questions t
Mr. Hookom or anyone else familar with this matter:

(1) What is the easiest way to nullify the database to start from ID=0
i noticed in the documentation there is a button to delete the eac
survey. but i couldn't find this button from the file i downloaded fro

(2) i noticed tblLookup, which i was looking for. but unfortunately
couldn't figure out how to use it along with the

(3) again, regarding the tblLookup. is it possible to have an optio
beside each group, which denotes how this group is viewed in th
question's list. for example:
Sex is viewed by radiobuttons ...... O Male O Female O Unknown
Race is viewed by Combobox

other forms include list box, check boxes. i believe this can be don
with a little (or alot :p) of VBA. but the result will be a powerfu

(4) i Added a text/memo field to the tblResponses. to have an optio
for the user to enter another text value other than what is presen
in the list responses. unfortunately i was unable to reproduce thi
txt box/memo field along with the Response combo box. i appreciat
any pointers.

(5) the questions are all identical in a continous form i.e. Questio
then Combobox for the responses. is there anyone to make a singl
form with all the questions where i can make the design for th
questions and the responses myself. for example radiobuttons instea
of cbo.

(6) i can't understand how the "include" checkboxes work. i hop
someone can elaborate on that as it is so useful function to me, bu
unfortunately i couldn't figure it out.

(7) is there plans or a ready documentation which explains th
tables' and queries' structure. this would be nice for newbies (me
how would like to edit and/or imitate the survey.

At last but not least, thank you again Mr. Hookom. you stopped m
frustration after a month of trying to build a survey

Duane Hookom

Sorry about the delayed reply but I have been working out-of-town for over a

1) The delete button is gone. I can't recall when I removed it or why.
Referential integrity is set on so deleting a survey record will delete the
related records. You can compact the database after deleting records to
reset the autonumber fields. I would not worry about the autonumber since I
generally don't show it.

2) tblLookup was probably a left-over table from earlier attempts/progress
on an earlier version of the project. Ignore it.

3) This could only be implemented on a non-continuous form by setting the
visible property of groups of controls.

4) I would add a command button to open a separate form for entering the

5) If all the questions have the same labels and number of options then you
could use an option group rather than a combo box.

6) I'm not sure what you mean by the include check boxes

7) You can view the relationship window. There are lots of good web pages on

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