Atachments cause Crashing


Nikolai Crumb

Ok so i come into work like any other normal day, boot up the system
Due to a screw up with our DSL provider we were without DSL/FAx services for several hours, then they came back on

I open Outlook and click on send/recive, i get the latest files fom the NYC office and proceed to open them, Outlook say that the files can't save them due to some memory glitch, so i'm thinking "ok thei r corrupt" and delete them having the files uploaded toa FTP site to download later

I need to send a email with a file for review to the NYC office, i boot up Outlook and its still working fone but when i go to click the atachment button it crashes out of the new mail screen. i can send ad recive without attachments fine. And this bug has snuck into the "Add from file" of word, hampering another project i must do

Ive rebooted, cold rebooted, unpluged reboot, uninstalled an reinsted office XP, gotten every windows and office update there is, run checkdisk, defragmented th drive.

ive been working on this problem since 10:00 AM PST it's now 3:35 PM. I'm out of ideas

Windows XP Pr
Office XP Small Business Ed

Been running fine since October when i got the job
Brand New PC bought just for my ocupational need
2.4 GH
512 MB Ram


Try clearing your Outlook secure temp folder. To locate it go to the
following registry key;
The value behind "OutlookSecureTempFolder" is the location. You can't browse
to it from your computer so you must cut and paste the location in Explorer
to get to it. Empty the whole folder and try again.

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Nikolai Crumb said:
Ok so i come into work like any other normal day, boot up the system.
Due to a screw up with our DSL provider we were without DSL/FAx services
for several hours, then they came back on.
I open Outlook and click on send/recive, i get the latest files fom the
NYC office and proceed to open them, Outlook say that the files can't save
them due to some memory glitch, so i'm thinking "ok thei r corrupt" and
delete them having the files uploaded toa FTP site to download later.
I need to send a email with a file for review to the NYC office, i boot up
Outlook and its still working fone but when i go to click the atachment
button it crashes out of the new mail screen. i can send ad recive without
attachments fine. And this bug has snuck into the "Add from file" of word,
hampering another project i must do.
Ive rebooted, cold rebooted, unpluged reboot, uninstalled an reinsted
office XP, gotten every windows and office update there is, run checkdisk,
defragmented th drive.

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