Dave Neve
Thanks for the Web lesson which I'm working my way through.
I've noticed that when I open my .dot, (saved as per your instructions) the
program runs and the VB userform appears.
But when I copied it elsewhere as a simple .doc, it doesn't run. (I copied
it for ease of access)
Since the VB instructions don't make reference to .dot, I don't understand
why the program runs when opened from .dot but not from .doc as the two
documents are exactly the same otherwise.
Also, Inspite of your explanations, I still haven't really got my head
around 'code'
yet and I was wondering if you could explain it again in other words.
(mailnly the oForm and the Oform.Tag = cancel
Private Sub Document_New()
Dim oForm As frmMemo
Set oForm = New frmMemo
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "d mmmm yyyy")
End Sub
Finally, I'd also like to ask the same question as a few days ago.
What is the relationship between the active document and ThisDocument in
Thanks for the Web lesson which I'm working my way through.
I've noticed that when I open my .dot, (saved as per your instructions) the
program runs and the VB userform appears.
But when I copied it elsewhere as a simple .doc, it doesn't run. (I copied
it for ease of access)
Since the VB instructions don't make reference to .dot, I don't understand
why the program runs when opened from .dot but not from .doc as the two
documents are exactly the same otherwise.
Also, Inspite of your explanations, I still haven't really got my head
around 'code'
yet and I was wondering if you could explain it again in other words.
(mailnly the oForm and the Oform.Tag = cancel
Private Sub Document_New()
Dim oForm As frmMemo
Set oForm = New frmMemo
oForm.Tag = "Cancel"
oForm.txtDate.Text = Format$(Date, "d mmmm yyyy")
End Sub
Finally, I'd also like to ask the same question as a few days ago.
What is the relationship between the active document and ThisDocument in