Att. Peter Hewett


Dave Neve


A few days ago, you spoke about a watermark with John Grierson.

I'm now at the stage where I copy code and try it out, change it and see if
I can understand more or less what's going on (can't write it yet)

My question is about the watermark which seems to need the header to be
activated but doesn't appear in the header box.

How comes sth inserted in a header can appear outside of it? Is it actually
in the header if it is half way down the page?


Peter Hewett

Hi Dave Neve

What you're actually doing is inserting a "floating" shape in your document. This shape
is floated behind the document text and you can set its location. In this case the text
appears approximately in the center of the document. The reason you normally insert
watermarks in a Header is that it's harder to accidentally delete.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < Dave Neve > écrivait :
In this message, < Dave Neve > wrote:

|| Hi
|| A few days ago, you spoke about a watermark with John Grierson.
|| I'm now at the stage where I copy code and try it out, change it and see
|| I can understand more or less what's going on (can't write it yet)
|| My question is about the watermark which seems to need the header to be
|| activated but doesn't appear in the header box.
|| How comes sth inserted in a header can appear outside of it? Is it
|| in the header if it is half way down the page?

To add to Peter's comments,
The important part here is the anchor for the floating object. Sometimes, I
have all my footer/header stuff as floating objects anchored to the one and
only paragraph in the header (even if a logo is in the footer for example).
This can be useful when, for example, you want to quickly delete the
header/footer stuff, all you need to do then is delete the lone paragraph in
the header (by the same token it is easy to copy to another section, or even
to another document with this set up).


Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
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