Attach preview to template




How do I attach a preview picture to my templates. When it is shown in the
list it only displays an empty page.

I would like the same situation as for the "original" templates, that an
image is shown off how a diagram could look, but when the template is
instantiated it is empty.


John Marshall, MVP

What is displayed is the preview image. The trick is to create a sample
drawing in the template and save it so the preview image is created. In the
properties for the drawing there is a checkbox at the bottom of the summary
page. Now reopen the template, uncheck the "Save Preview Picture" and delete
the sample drawing. You will have an empty template with the appropriate
preview drawing. Of course, it is a good idea to save a copy of the template
with the preview drawing page for any future updates.

John... Visio MVP

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Thanks for the answer.

It seems not to be exactly write. But on the way.

When i follow your suggestion i have the following steps.
(under all steps the template resides in my template path, and thus is being
shown in the list when i open visio)
1. Create a drawing, save as template.
2. Restart visio, and my template is nice and with preview.
3. Open the template (not instance of it), uncheck checkbox, remove
drawings, save as template.
4. Restart Visio.

After 4 my template is shown not as empty, but with the same icon within it,
as the visio templates have in the file explorer - not showing the drawing it
did in ad. 2.

What am i doing wrong - is there any max size of the template drawing or

Best regards


Are there a great difference between visio 2002 and 2003 with regards to this

We are using Visio 2003 Professional (11.3216.6360).

In your faq ad.3. says:
When you save your template, a Properties dialog box will appear. Click the
Summary tab. In the Preview field, click First page.

That doesnt happen, no matter where i save my template... It just gets saved.

At the templates property pages, all i have is a checkbox saying "Save
Preview Picture". Unchecking this cause an visio template icon to be
displayed as preview instead.

How come it is so difficult to create this? It seems to be pretty standard
for all the templates that comes with visio.



I found the solution:

In Visio 2003 to add the template preview - do the following.

1. Create a drawing that should be preview, check the
file->properties->Summary->Save Preview Picture.
2. Save the drawing as template.
3. Uncheck the Save Preview Picture checkbox.
4. Open View->Drawing Explorer, right click on drawing1 (or what the name
is), select "Show ShapeSheet". Change the value for LockPreview to TRUE, and
save your template. The preview image should now be locked.
5. Open the template, delete the drawing, save the template.

You should now have a template with a preview drawing, but without any

Best regards

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