AttachedTemplate shows


John Price

Hi all,
Here is the problem. If you have a document that was created from a
template the attachedtemplate property shows the name of the template. If
that template is missing then the attachedtemplate property shows
as its value. If you open templates and addins the default template is shown
with the full file path to the template whether it exists or not. Is there
any way in vba to access that full path for the template without using the
attachedtemplate property since if the template is missing then so is the
path. Arrrrgh hope this all makes sense.

Thanks in advance
john price
(e-mail address removed)

John Price

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried using the DSOfile properties and the
template name is returned but not the full path.
The problem we have is there are thousands of documents created with
templates that point to a server that no longer exists. When a user opens
one of these documents there is a considerable delay before word times out
trying to access the server where it thinks the documents are stored. So
when the path reads \\myserver\share\templates\ there isa
huge delay. What I was hoping to do was to open all of the documents. Read
the first part of the template path to see if it was pointing to c: a mapped
drive or a UNC and then change all of the "BAD" documents back to I am afraid of changing all of the documents because if a user
has created their own templates on local drives they would be killed.

Thanks again for the help.
john price
(e-mail address removed)

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