Attaching zip files




I'd like to be able to attach a zip file using the insert file command for
an email. I'm running Vista and outlook 2003. I tried installing winrar and
unregistering the dlls that allow windows to deal w/zip files as folders, but
got an error message. Can anyone help me?



Maybe I'm not understanding what you wrote...but you can attach a Zip file
without having winrar or WinZip or any other zip-creating program installed.
It's just a file and does not rely on the application that created it. Is
your question more about creating a Zip file?

What happens when you try to attach a Zip file? Have you tried the
"drag-and-drop" method? What is the error message you referred to?



Yes, I can drag and drop. I want to use the insert command. When I try to
use the insert command, the zip files never show up. I know where they are.
I cannot access them through the insert window. No zip files show up.


Peter Foldes

Send a test message to yourself with the Zip file attached using the Insert Command. Does the Zip file show up as an attachment when your receive your own email?


OK, I'm not getting the problem across correctly. I'm trying to send an
email with a zip file attachment. When I have an email ready to go and try
to use the INSERT command to add the zip file, I cannot do this. I click on
"insert" and the window pops open for me to select a file to insert. I chose
the folder containing the zip file, but it will not allow me to select a zip
file. I cannot even see the zip files in the proper folder. They do not
show up. See my original post for remedies we've tried and remember I'm
running VISTA with Outlook 2003. Is there any way to get the zip files to
show up so that I can select them to insert?


Tim your problem is a little more clear...although very odd. I don't
mean to insult your intellegence but when you have the "Insert File" window
open, do you have "All Files (*.*)" selected? And are you *positive* you are
looking at the folder you think you are looking at? I have been fooled by
this in the past and I had to open a Windows Explorer window to make sure I
wasn't going crazy. It turned out to be a lengthy path and I was, indeed,
looking at the wrong folder.

Have you turned off "Hide extensions for known file types"?

Is this a recent development? Did this work before? If it worked before, any
clue on what event occured around the time it stopped working? Do you think
System Restore would help? Is this a clean install of Vista or an upgrade on
top of XP? Are you the Admin on your PC? Have you turned UAC off?

Other than that, I wouldn't know how to filter out Zip files from an Insert
File window even if I wanted to.




YES, for all files
yes, its the right folder
Hide extensions was never on
no, its a long time problem--long as I can remember--years
yes it was a clean install
I am the admin
It doesn't matter is UAC is off or on



Bummer...well, you have me stumped (that's not saying much). I'm going to
keep an eye on this thread as I'm really curious about what the answer is.
Sorry I couldn't help.



Finally, someone who has the SAME problem !!!
I am running XP and Outlook 2003, bu tI have the exact same problem.
Try to attach a zip file with insert and I cannot even see zip files.
I also checked the same issues that Tim brought up earlier.
Let me know if you found a solution


Brian Tillman

Mike said:
Finally, someone who has the SAME problem !!!
I am running XP and Outlook 2003, bu tI have the exact same problem.
Try to attach a zip file with insert and I cannot even see zip files.

It's not an Outlook issue in your case. WIndows XP, by default, treats Zip
files as compressed folders, so when you open an attach operation browser
window, you won't see zip files as files. If you want to see zip files and
files, open a command prompt window (or use Start>Run) and enter:

regsvr32.exe /u zipfldr.dll

This will cause the zip files to be considered just another file and you'll
see them when you try to browse to an attachment. If you want the default
behavior back again, use:

regsvr32.exe zipfldr.dll

to reregister the DLL.

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