Attachment Access Removal from Outlook Express E-Mail



Most attachments are being removed from e-mail in my in-
box before I have a chance to open them. Word documents
appear to be an exception. However, anything else,
including Adobe and photos, is being removed. Of course I
don't want to open anything that really would damage my
systems. However, I am quite certain that almost
everything that has been removed is OK. I've even had
attachments removed that I have sent to myself. For
example, a publication from the Minnesota Department of
transportation in Adobe was removed a few days ago.

Is there a way to adjust the sensitivity of this security
system? Did I do something to cause it to be so
restrictive? F Y I, I have had "Zone Alarm" and "Spy Bot"
installed for about six months. Could this software be the
cause of my problem? On the other hand, this access
removal problem has only been troubling me for the last
four months or so.

I suspect that this topic has been noted on this newsgroup
before; however, I have not been able to locate any

Please help!

Cheryl Fischer

Go to Tools|Options|Security and uncheck the box which is labeled: "Do not
allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus."


-----Original Message-----
Most attachments are being removed from e-mail in my in-
box before I have a chance to open them. Word documents
appear to be an exception. However, anything else,
including Adobe and photos, is being removed. Of course I
don't want to open anything that really would damage my
systems. However, I am quite certain that almost
everything that has been removed is OK. I've even had
attachments removed that I have sent to myself. For
example, a publication from the Minnesota Department of
transportation in Adobe was removed a few days ago.

Is there a way to adjust the sensitivity of this security
system? Did I do something to cause it to be so
restrictive? F Y I, I have had "Zone Alarm" and "Spy Bot"
installed for about six months. Could this software be the
cause of my problem? On the other hand, this access
removal problem has only been troubling me for the last
four months or so.

I suspect that this topic has been noted on this newsgroup
before; however, I have not been able to locate any

Please help!

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