Attachment is garbled, no paper clip shown in Outlook 2003


Last Resort

I have just installed MS Office 2003 with Outlook 2003 SP2 with all updates,
on a new computer with Windows Vista (all clean installs).

When I receive an e-mail message containing a .pdf attachment (from one of
my safe contacts) the following happens:

1) I do not see a paper clip in the Inbox field
2) When I open the e-mail, the attachment (I am assuming it is the
attachment) is converted in the the body of the message as garbled text.

Other notes:
1) I know there is an attachment with the e-mails as I have checked the
e-mail on the POP3 server prior to downloading into Outlook 2003 (the
attachment is present and I can access, open and read it). I have received
the e-mails with attachments on my other computer with Outlook 2003 SP2.
2) The "attachment" is attched to the e-mail as the file size of the e-mail
reflects this.
3) The attaqchment does not contain a virus.
4) This appears to happen with only one of my contacts (which I have since
classified as a safe contact). I have sent myself a .pdf file attachment and
have received it without any problems. I am receiving other attachments
(.doc) from other contacts without any problems.
5) I have tried editing the message to view as plain text or HTML, and the
results are the same.
6) I found one "MS hotfix" (Outlook 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package:
August 8, 2006) that appears to be a potential solution to my problem (my
problem is not exactly described in the hotfix) but I can't find the hotfix

Thanks for your help.

Desparate for Attachment Help

Hi - I am now having exactly the same problem - I think mine only started
after some recent updates to Outlook 2003. It seems that the problem only
occurs when the mail is addressed to <undislcosed recipient> because if I get
the sender to email it again with my email in the To line it arrives OK.
Have you had any success in solving the issue?

Last Resort


Yes and no.

I swithched over to MS Office 2007 and everything worked fine. So that how
the issue has been resolved (for me).

I'm assuming it is an issue with Vista and Office 2003.

Sorry I couldn't help.


I've experienced the identical problem and just found your posting on the
web through a Google search. Did you ever discover the cause? In my case,
the problem also is limited to one sender, but seems to occur only when the
attachments are very large.

Roady [MVP]

Without quoting the original it is not possible to know which "identical
problem" you are referring too.


This is not a chat room. It is a user to user forum. Repost and ask your
question with the pertinent info so it makes sense and someone might help.


I have encountered exactly the same problem. Did you ever identify the
cause of this?

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