I have a friend using Outlook Express 6 and when I get a video file sent to
me it arrives as multiple files with the extension of .dat The video
files isn't viewable, and when I look at her computer that sent the message
it says in the message subject line 1/75 the next message shows the same
subject but 2/75 this will go on till 75/75 The messages have a .dat file
attached that is usually about 40kb's.
The person is only sending a single video file (.WMV) but it is getting
broken into multiple files and the video is never viewable. Other people
have the same problem with e-mail from this person.
me it arrives as multiple files with the extension of .dat The video
files isn't viewable, and when I look at her computer that sent the message
it says in the message subject line 1/75 the next message shows the same
subject but 2/75 this will go on till 75/75 The messages have a .dat file
attached that is usually about 40kb's.
The person is only sending a single video file (.WMV) but it is getting
broken into multiple files and the video is never viewable. Other people
have the same problem with e-mail from this person.