Attachments being split into many files with a .dat attachment



I have a friend using Outlook Express 6 and when I get a video file sent to
me it arrives as multiple files with the extension of .dat The video
files isn't viewable, and when I look at her computer that sent the message
it says in the message subject line 1/75 the next message shows the same
subject but 2/75 this will go on till 75/75 The messages have a .dat file
attached that is usually about 40kb's.

The person is only sending a single video file (.WMV) but it is getting
broken into multiple files and the video is never viewable. Other people
have the same problem with e-mail from this person.

neo [mvp outlook]

I haven't received one of these messages in a long time....

In Outlook Express, if you bring up the e-mail account properties and then
go to the last tab (advanced) there is a checkbox to break messages apart
when they are over a certain size. This user has that on.

Now in the old days when I used Microsoft Outlook 98/2000, the program would
automatically detect these message fragments and combine them once all parts
are received. Haven't checked to see if newer versions like Microsoft
Outlook 2003/7 can deal with these message types.

By the way, if you receive these in Outlook Express you have to select all
the message parts in question and then select Message > Combine and Decode.
(Option is also available via a right click on message(s).)

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