Attachments openning slow in both 2003 and 2007



We are seeing that after doing some security updates that some not all
attachments take upto 5 minutes to open. There is nothing consistant about
this issue. The same attachement the next time could open fast or slow. We
have turned off all Security on the PC (IPS, AV, VPS, firewall) with no
change. The Exchange server isn't showing anthing worng with communication
between itself and the cleint. I have done a trace on the network to make
sure that the communication is constant and found no issues. Any clue?

Roady [MVP]

On just one client or several?
Is Cached Exchange Mode enabled?
Did you check for disk errors already?


It happens on mulptile machines, and I have disabled and enabled cached
Exchange Mode. No improvement either way. I have not checked for disk erros

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