


Is there a way to send an email with an attachment and cc. others in your
organization but not send them the attachment?


Psychlogic said:
Is there a way to send an email with an attachment and cc. others in your
organization but not send them the attachment?

Not AFAIK. the trick seems to be to send the mail, then re-send to those to
whom you want to cc.


in message
Is there a way to send an email with an attachment and cc. others in
organization but not send them the attachment?

No. All recipients are sent the same email. When sending, one
RCPT-TO command is sent to the mail host for each recipient. That is
followed by *one* DATA command containing your email. So all RCPT-TO
recipients will get the same DATA message. You will have to send to
one set of recipients and then change the email that you send to a
different set of recipients.

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