Attempting to transfer a flat file into a database...



I am trying to create a macro to transfer my data into a
table b/c I only want certain criteria to import into one
of my tables... I am trying to type in a Specification
Name to complete the field, but Access 2000 will not
accept the name that I entered. If I click the downlist
arrow it allows me to choose a field I do not want. Is
this normal? Are there any ways around to importing my my
data? I've tried to research this on the internet, but
nothing. This is my first time attempting this so I would
appreciate any help I can get.


Jeff Boyce


You don't mention where you are trying to type in a Specification Name. Can
you type in (wherever that might be) a different name and have it accepted?
Is there a chance that you haven't already built and named an Import
Specification? Remember, we're not looking at your database, but you are --
tell us enough to visualize what you're seeing.

What format is the data you are trying to import? Have you tried using File
| Get External Data | Link ... or Import...? What happens when you do?

Before trying to build the macro, can you do the import "manually"?

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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