Attention Word 2007 B2TR users


Beth Melton

If you recently installed B2TR and haven't encountered issues with
Building Blocks.dotx, then you should still allow Word to create a new
Building Blocks.dotx for you. (Building Blocks.dotx is used for the
various galleries in Word, such as those for Cover Pages,
Headers/Footers, Text Boxes, etc.)

The primary Building Blocks.dotx file was updated in B2TR with new
galleries but your personal copy, one that you can use to store custom
Building Blocks entries, was not updated due to the fact it could
contain personal customization.

If you want to make sure you have the latest Building Blocks, or if
you are encountering errors in Building Blocks.dotx when starting
Word, then follow these steps:

Exit Word and Outlook and go to this location and delete or move
Building so Word will create a new copy for you:

C:\Documents and Settings\<Name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Document
Building Blocks\<Language>

Where <Name> is your user name and <Language> is the language ID. For
example, 1033 is English. If you have more than one language folder
make sure you check each one.

* The Application Data folder is usually a hidden folder so make
sure you turn on the display of hidden files/folders.

* You may not have a language folder and it may be in Document
Building Blocks instead.

* You need to delete it or move it out of the folder. Renaming the
file will not work, Word will still attempt to load them even if the
extension is renamed.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Office 2007 Preview Site:
Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:

TechTrax eZine:
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Patrick Schmid

If you type %appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building Block into the Vista
search box, you should get to the folder where you need to pick your

Patrick Schmid

Don Vaughn

Thanks, heres is what happened.
I paste this into the search box %appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building
Block. It returns the result document building blocks>1033. I opened the
1033 folder and delete Building Blocks.dotx. Then I paste
%appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building Block again now there are two Document
Building Block folders. One with capitals one with lower case, both are
empty. Is the Building Block.dotx supposed to be recreated when I open Word
or Outlook?


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Don,

MS Office 2007 has a new 'document parts' feature.

MS Office 2007 ships with and installs a prefilled 'Building Blocks.DotX' file as one of the Office 2007 'Document Parts' feature.

The master (or default) 'Building Blocks.dotx' is stored in the Program Files folder for Microsoft Office 2007, by locale (language
+ localization) ID. (U.S. English, for example is Locale ID 1033)

If you had installed Microsoft Office 2007 in

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12

then the U.S. English 'Building blocks.dotx' master copy would be in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 12\Document Parts\1033\

When you start one of the Office 2007 apps the first time the program checks the currently logged in users %appdata% folder location
(that you referenced below) for a 'Building Blocks.dotx' (or if it has been renamed, for the renamed file). If Office 2007 does not
find a Building Blocks.dotx file in the %appdata% area, it copies the 'master' one over from the Program Files folder for Office
2007 to restore the gallery samples.

For the Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical refresh, the installation updated the Master copy, but since there was still a 'user area' file
of the older version it couldn't replace it without asking. The user copy in the %appdata% area gets updated when you add a gallery
or autotext or other document part to it, so when you delete the %appdata% copy you will lose any customizations that you had in it,
but you will get the Office 2007 Technical Refresh updated gallery styles sample set when the new file is copied over.

In this case, if you have just started an Office app after recycling the %appdata% copy of 'building blocks.dotx' if you look at the
file in Windows Explorer or in Start=>Search then the dates of both files should be the same.

It's a good idea to backup your personalized 'Building Blocks.dotx' file periodically for safety purposes.

Thanks, heres is what happened.
I paste this into the search box %appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building
Block. It returns the result document building blocks>1033. I opened the
1033 folder and delete Building Blocks.dotx. Then I paste
%appdata%\Microsoft\Document Building Block again now there are two Document
Building Block folders. One with capitals one with lower case, both are
empty. Is the Building Block.dotx supposed to be recreated when I open Word
or Outlook?

Don >>

I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Send 2007 Office System Beta 2 feedback directly to the MS Office 2007 product team with this feedback tool:

4. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit

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