Attn: Jon Peliter or any chart guru



That would work but here is my senario, which I should
have stated in the first email:


Product Def 1 Def 2 Def 3 Def 4 Total

Product A 1 5 6 3 15
Product B 2 5 6 1 14
Product C 1 1 1 3
Product D 5 1 3 9

Total 4 20 14 7 34
(to be charted)

The bottom Total is to be what is charted, so the chart
would look like what it shows in the spreedsheet. But in
this case, Def 2 with a total of 20 should be first (since
it is the largest, I want it to go to the left), then Def
3, Def 4, then Def 1.

I tried using some VBA code, but couldn't think of how to
programmatically look at the chart and go in desending
order from left to right, with the titles going with it. I
think that this would be the best way to go, but if it is
not possible, then let me know.

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