Audio notes degrade to unusable



After 2.5 minutes Audio Notes I'm recording from a Sony Walkman CD player
start to slow down, dropping the audio pitch to an unrecognizable bass. A
dubbing cable from the headphone output port is bringing the signal to my
Microphone port on a Motion M1400. I'm using the ON 2007 beta.
Of course I don't know this is happening until I go back and Play the Note
later. Short Audio Notes do not seem to get degraded.


My guess is that this is an issue with your microphone, as we haven't heard
other reporting similar issues, except when their microphones are busted or
not that good.


There is just a dubbing cord running from the CD player to the Mic input jack
on the tablet. Today at 6 minutes into recording an ON AudioNote of the CD
output there was a VERY brief "speedup" of the speech, then the usual s l o w
i n g down and bass tonality began.
Could there be conflicts between Line-In and Microphone settings?

With just headphones on the CD player, there is never anything odd to hear.

Rainald Taesler

joljol2 shared these words of wisdom:
There is just a dubbing cord running from the CD player to the Mic
input jack on the tablet. Today at 6 minutes into recording an ON
AudioNote of the CD output there was a VERY brief "speedup" of the
speech, then the usual s l o w i n g down and bass tonality began.
Could there be conflicts between Line-In and Microphone settings?

Did you check the settings in the system's Audio Settings (from the
Control Panel).
Normally it's an EITHER microfone OR Line-in situation on most

I think that what have to face is an issue of just OneNote.
To check this I would suggest to test line-in recording in general
using some other recording instrument.


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