audio notes in word 2004 for mac version11.0



Dear all
I'm having a problem adjusting the input volume in the audio notes tool bar.
supposedly it is a matter of click and drag to the desired level. but the
slider seems to be stuck on the minimum level. the record button seems to
work fine with a voice file being generated but nothing can be heard in the
playback. possibly due to the fact that the input level is stuck on minimum.
i am much obliged to anyone that can add his two cents to this

Daiya Mitchell

That's a Mac-specific feature and you should post to a Mac-specific
newsgroup, sorry.

See here for gateway to Mac-specific ngs:

It's possible that the general Word troubleshooting tips might help fix
this, though I'm not very familiar with Notebook view. They are listed here
if you want to work through them.
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