Audit of Actual Work


Scott McClure

Tried to post this earlier and it didn't seem to work.
Forgive me if you've seen it.

We continue to struggle with the circumstances under
which Project changes our Actual Work from the entered
values. We understand that it may split and move some
into the future because the calendar for the given
resource does not support as many hours as entered.
Still, there are other effects that we are not yet able
to understand.

Actual labor hours are collected from a Work Order system
and a report is produced from that system for entry into
project. This is done via the Task Usage view in Project
Pro. Because of changes we have made to the structure of
this project and the problems mentioned above, we are in
the process of auditing all of the labor (actual work)
entered to date from June.

The particular symptom I am asking about now is that the
last few days verified (the operator, and there is only
one, is working day by day) were not the same upon
opening the project as they were when the project was
closed. We do not allow any entry of this time via OWA
or by any of the other Pro users. Can anyone give us a
hint of the various things that may change the Actual
Work from the values entered?


Kevin Flanagan

Enterprise Calendar work day definition
Resource and/or task calendars
Non-working day definitions in your calendars
Shared resources and resource allocation
Task type (sounds like you have fixed work)

These are a few places to start with.


Scott McClure

Well, we have specific calendars for the resources that
have, I think, accurate days off (and hours -- we have
some 4-10 people). There are no task calendars to my
knowledge and I believe all tasks are Fixed Unit (at
least that's our intention). We don't share since we
only have, at present, one large project. That leaves
resource allocation.

Is there anywhere that might explain what the system does
with hours when it doesn't "believe" the hours entered
because the resource would be over-allocated??


Steve House

Are you sure the operator is entering the hours in the Actual Work field and
not the Work field?


If you entered a "% Complete" after entering "Actual Work"
that could make the "Actual Work" recalculate.

That might help. Good luck.

Scott McClure

Yeah, we don't change % Complete during labor data entry
but only to update the plan or complete a task. I don't
think this is part of this particular symptom.

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