Audit Trail from Word 2000


Jim C.


I have a document in which we track changes between versions, and when we
start a new version, all of the previous changes are accepted. I want to
create an audit trail of these changes.

I have some VB code (and a database) to do most of this. There are 2 ways
that I have found for a user to accept changes. One executes the command
ToolsRevisionMarksAccept, and this allows me to add the code necessary code
to capture information for the audit trail prior to the change being accepted

The other method, when changes can be reviewed first, uses the command
ToolsReviewRevisions with the builtin dialog box
wdDialogToolsAcceptRejectChanges. The problem comes here in that when the
dialog is opened, the acceptance (or not) of changes is done before the
dialog box is closed. By the time the program allows control to be returned
back to the new VB code, which is upon closing the dialog box, the changes
are no longer treated as revisions.

Is there a way to insert code that can run just before accepting changes
through ToolsReviewRevisions?


Word Heretic

G'day Jim C. <>,

In all these cases it is far easier to produce your own dialog box.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Jim C. reckoned:

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