Auditing excel sheets for everyday task




We have excel sheets created everday for some tasks. Each task in
excel is assgined one of the 3 values: SUCCESS, FAIL or OTHER. There
are 3 columns that are getting filled manually.

ColumnA: Filled with either SUCCESS, FAIL or OTHER
ColumnB: If the columnA is filled with either FAIL or OTHER, then the
column B should be filled with reason for these values. So in short ,
if ColumnA's value is either FAIL or OTHER, then ColumnB should NOT BE

Is there a way to achive this? Also, I have to make sure that ColumnA
should be happing anythng else other than SUCCESS, FAIL or OTHER

For now, we are doing this manually. But we have lot of excel files
and each one has pretty big data. I want to achieve this using a code
to avoid manual work.

Can anyone please advise.


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