When setting user Authentication to Domain account I can log on usin
the domain account through IE and project Web portal. When going int
options in Project Professional and setting server URL and specify use
Domain account, test connection. Error: "Unexpected Server Response
when I view details it says: "You are not authorized to view thi
page". It works correctly when I switch to Project server use
autherntication and set the IIS to allow anonymous logins. I have trie
everything I can think of and cannot get the project server to allo
login with domain account using Project Professional client. Any ideas
Message sent by ariliquin from mombu the microsoft forum http://www.mombu.com/microsoft
the domain account through IE and project Web portal. When going int
options in Project Professional and setting server URL and specify use
Domain account, test connection. Error: "Unexpected Server Response
when I view details it says: "You are not authorized to view thi
page". It works correctly when I switch to Project server use
autherntication and set the IIS to allow anonymous logins. I have trie
everything I can think of and cannot get the project server to allo
login with domain account using Project Professional client. Any ideas
Message sent by ariliquin from mombu the microsoft forum http://www.mombu.com/microsoft