Steve Lundwall
On page 233 of 'Managing Enterprise Projects' by Chefetz and Howard it
states, " Users who access Project Web Access with Project Server Accounts
are not able to access these services [Risks, Issues and Documents] through
Project Web Access". My novice level of experience is going to show here. I
set up a Resource Pool using Project Accounts. I went back in and changed my
own account to Windows Authentication and made sure this user name and
password were on the Windows Server 2003 box. I am getting an invalid User
Name and Password error on the PWA log in screen. (We are not using AD.)
First, is the quote true?
Second, if it is, what else should I be looking at to get Window's
Authentication to work?
states, " Users who access Project Web Access with Project Server Accounts
are not able to access these services [Risks, Issues and Documents] through
Project Web Access". My novice level of experience is going to show here. I
set up a Resource Pool using Project Accounts. I went back in and changed my
own account to Windows Authentication and made sure this user name and
password were on the Windows Server 2003 box. I am getting an invalid User
Name and Password error on the PWA log in screen. (We are not using AD.)
First, is the quote true?
Second, if it is, what else should I be looking at to get Window's
Authentication to work?