Author colors not unique when Tracking Changes


Thomas Berens

My Track Changes preferences are set to show comments by author. According
to Word, selecting this option should result in unique colors for up to
eight authors. I recently received a Word document that includes comments
from six authors. Two of the authors are in green.

I am viewing this document in the latest version of Word 2004. When I open
this document in earlier versions of Word (on the Mac), I get unique colors.

I've tried this on two different Macs, both running Jaguar, and experience
the same problem.

Any ideas?

matt neuburg

Thomas Berens said:
My Track Changes preferences are set to show comments by author. According
to Word, selecting this option should result in unique colors for up to
eight authors. I recently received a Word document that includes comments
from six authors. Two of the authors are in green.

I am viewing this document in the latest version of Word 2004. When I open
this document in earlier versions of Word (on the Mac), I get unique colors.

I've tried this on two different Macs, both running Jaguar, and experience
the same problem.

Any ideas?

Prepare mentally for the moment when you open the document and all the
colors have changed. That's a fun one.

Also, get ready for when you open the document and there are entries for
*every* author who has *ever* worked on *any* document with one of your
collaborators. I love that one.


John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Hi Thomas:

Yes, the entire mechanism is unstable by design. When a user saves the file
with "Remove personally identifiable information..." set, Word removes the
information needed to track the authors, and you lose all of the colours.

I am afraid I do not know of any way to make this mechanism stable: it's one
of the things they have on their list to fix.


My Track Changes preferences are set to show comments by author. According
to Word, selecting this option should result in unique colors for up to
eight authors. I recently received a Word document that includes comments
from six authors. Two of the authors are in green.

I am viewing this document in the latest version of Word 2004. When I open
this document in earlier versions of Word (on the Mac), I get unique colors.

I've tried this on two different Macs, both running Jaguar, and experience
the same problem.

Any ideas?


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

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