Auto Accept Agent


Joe Cool

Microsoft has released an Exchange 2003 AutoAccept Agent for Exchange Server
2003 so that u can set up resource users liek a board droom and make it auto
accept the meeting requests. WOOHOO! I said to my self with a gleeful cry of
happiness.... So I followed the instructiosn to the letter. as can be found

So anyhoo I get to the point where you have to register a mailbox using
cscript RegisterMailbox /m:[email protected]

every time I run this on ANY mailbox I get the following error

New Event Binding created:
Event: OnSave
Sink: AutoAccept.EventSink
Error Commiting transaction : -805306273

Error Adding store Event for

So this tells me its some kind of permissions problem I am guessing, I
isntalled the Auto Accept agent as a system service and it says that I should
have no problems with permisions if thats done, Ive also tried using a Domain
admin account under identity in component services. I even tried using the
switch to specify a username in the command line, I have been at this for 6
hours straight and cannot figure this out!!! please HELP!

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, Joe Cool asked:

| Microsoft has released an Exchange 2003 AutoAccept Agent for Exchange
| Server 2003 so that u can set up resource users liek a board droom
| and make it auto accept the meeting requests. WOOHOO! I said to my
| self with a gleeful cry of happiness.... So I followed the
| instructiosn to the letter. as can be found here
| So anyhoo I get to the point where you have to register a mailbox
| using cscript RegisterMailbox /m:[email protected]
| every time I run this on ANY mailbox I get the following error
| New Event Binding created:
| Event: OnSave
| Sink: AutoAccept.EventSink
| FullBindingUrl:
| Error Commiting transaction : -805306273
| Error Adding store Event for
| So this tells me its some kind of permissions problem I am guessing, I
| isntalled the Auto Accept agent as a system service and it says that
| I should have no problems with permisions if thats done, Ive also
| tried using a Domain admin account under identity in component
| services. I even tried using the switch to specify a username in the
| command line, I have been at this for 6 hours straight and cannot
| figure this out!!! please HELP!

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