Auto Accept Event ID 4097 within a site




We have a mixed site with 2 x Exchange 5.5 SP4 Servers and an Exchange 2003
SP1 server. 5.5 and E2003 linked with ADC and agreements

I have installed the Auto Accept event sinks on the Exchange 2003 server.
Using a mail enabled AD object I can make an appointment and get a response
from the registered resource mailboxes.

However I cannot get a respons when I send from a 5.5 mailbox. The request
remains in the inbox and the following entry is put into the event viewer

Event ID: 4097
Source: Auto Accept Agent

Exception occurred while processing item
"file://./backofficestorage/". This item will not be processed.

The exception information is:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040E19): Object or data
matching the name, range, or selection criteria was not found within the
scope of this operation.

at Private.Interop.Cdoex.IDataSource.Open(String SourceURL, Object
ActiveConnection, ConnectModeEnum Mode, RecordCreateOptionsEnum
CreateOptions, RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options, String UserName, String
at Microsoft.Exchange.Agents.AutoAccept.EventSink.BindToCalMsg(String
msgURL, String calendarLocation, IAppointment& inStoreAppt, String&
calMethod, DateTime& deliveryTime)
itemUrl, DateTime& deliveryTime)
pEventInfo, String bstrURLItem, Int32 lFlags

It appears similar to the warning about only using SMTP connectors, but this
is all within a single site.

Ideas anybody?


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