Auto add to Combo box



I have a table contain vehicle info with the Primary Key being the year of
the vehicle and model, ie 05EXPE for 2005 Expedition. I also have a table
for service done on vehicles with its own primary key but also the primary
key from the vehicle table in order to relate the two tables.

My question is this. As a vehicle is entered in the Vehicle table, is there
a way to add that vehicle (say its primary key) to a combo box within the
Service table so that the user can choose which vehicle the service is for
versus having to type the ID in?


Jeff Boyce


?!You have a "combo box within [a] ... table"?! Check the tablesdbdesign
newsgroup ... the consensus is that lookup data types cause more problems
than they solve. You've described one of them!

The primary problem with the lookup data type is that the table displays one
thing, but actually is storing something else.

Besides, Access tables store data, Access forms display it. You have much
more control and the event actions if you use forms. And you can put a
combo box control on a form and "look up" what you need to...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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