Auto Addressing recipients e-mail in Outlook



I am running Outlook 2002 10.6515.6735 SP3

When I start to tyoe the recipients e-mail address into a new e-mail it pops
up with a small list of e-mail addresses similar that are already sent to.
How do I clear or remove this small pop up list of suggested e-mail
addresses. Thanks



Thank you VERY much for your assistance Russ. Both the individual delete
worked and the link you sent me to purge the cache worked perfectly as well.
Thank you


Russ Valentine said:
Remove individual addresses from the autocompletion cache by highlighting
the entry when presented in the suggested names list (use your arrow key to
migrate to the entry) and then hitting your Delete key before you tab out of
the field.
To clear the entire cache, follow the instructions here:;EN-US;Q287623

Russ Valentine
Charles said:
I am running Outlook 2002 10.6515.6735 SP3

When I start to tyoe the recipients e-mail address into a new e-mail it
up with a small list of e-mail addresses similar that are already sent to.
How do I clear or remove this small pop up list of suggested e-mail
addresses. Thanks


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