Lars-Erik Østerud
What could be wrong when Auto Archive does not work?
Worked OK before I upgraded to Outlook 2003.
All settings seems OK, and if I run a normal "Archive" it does loop
through the normal messages in the tray. Also if the folders does not
exist in the archive-file they are created, so the files is accessed.
But no messages are moved - even if they are older that the limit
(ask for all older that 1 month to be archived, but they are not).
Worked OK before I upgraded to Outlook 2003.
All settings seems OK, and if I run a normal "Archive" it does loop
through the normal messages in the tray. Also if the folders does not
exist in the archive-file they are created, so the files is accessed.
But no messages are moved - even if they are older that the limit
(ask for all older that 1 month to be archived, but they are not).