Auto Bookmarking when first visiting a page



I've created a small intranet here at my work, and so far
it will be used by about 100 people. I would like to send
an email out to the staff with a link to the website.
That's the easy part. Is there a way to have the site
automatically enter itself into the user's Favorites?

Jim Cheshire

You can, but I would avoid it and instead give them a link to do it. In any
case, here's the code you need:

window.external.AddFavorite(url, caption)

"url" is the URL that you want the Favorite to link to and "caption" is what
you want to appear in the Favorites list.

One of the problems you'll encounter if adding this to the onload event of
the page is that it will create a new favorite on every site visit.

Jim Cheshire
Jimco Add-ins
Add-ins for FrontPage 2000-2003
Co-author of Special Edition
Using Microsoft FrontPage 2003


Thanks. That looks easy. I would normally never do this,
but most of the staff here are computer challenged and
they don't know how to add a favorite. Some don't even
know how to go to programs after clicking the start

Thanks again!

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