What I have is a document and when opened it shows today's date as the Bid
example: Bid Date: 10/22/2003 Last Delivery Date at
this price: 11/22/2003
The bid date is created with Menu- [Insert] [Date and Time] , then top
item in list is selected and the option Update automatically is checked at
the bottom right of the dialog box.
The Last Delivery Date was created with Menu- [Insert] [Date and Time] ,
then top item in list is selected and the option Update automatically is
checked at the bottom right of the dialog box.
What exactly do I do to get the Last Delivery Date to automatically
Bid Date + 1 month when opened. so when printed the dates are correct.
I did look at the article to which Macropod referred me, but if you are
familiar with this you can understand it's syntax, but I am completely new
at this, this is why I am in the microsoft.public.word.vba.beginners
Where can I go do get a full explanation of how to modify dates in word
for beginners step one?
Doug Robbins - Word MVP said:
Hi Bill,
If you want to use a field construction, you will have to use the method
shown in the article to which Macropod referred you.
To use a macro to insert such a date at the location of the cursor, the code
to use in the macro would be
Selection.InsertBefore Format(DateAdd("d", 30, Date), "d MMMM yyyy")
Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP