Auto capitalization after #



Being a rather lazy typist with relatively weak pinkies, I like
the autocorrect setting "capitalize first letter of sentences."
However, it does not do so if the previous sentence ends with a
digit (then period)(or even digit, quote mark, period). So
unless I proof my work conscientiously (which I do sometimes) I
sometimes send off documents with some sentences not
I suspect there is no way to change that behavior. I've written
a quick macro which will find those and correct them but right
now I haven't figured out a way to run it automatically because
I don't necessarily save before I copy and paste.
Anyone know anything about this?


Create a toolbar button that will do this for you. You can either have
the button check the entire document or just the text you have
selected. Here are the steps:
1. Open a new document and click ALT + F11 to open the visual basic
2. If you want the button to check the entire document paste this text
into the code sections of the editor (if the code section is not
showing, go to View > Code):
Sub SentenceCase()
Selection.Range.Case = wdTitleSentence
On error resume next
End Sub
3. If you want the button to just change text that you have selected
or the sentence your cursor is currently in, paste in this code:
Sub SelectionCaseChange()
Selection.Range.Case = wdTitleSentence
On error resume next
End Sub
4. Close the editor and return to Word
5. Go to View > Toolbars > Customize
6. On the Commands tab, under Categories, highlight Macros.
7. When the box on the right side, Commands:, is populated, locate the
SelectionCaseChange macro or the SentenceCase macro you created in step
8. Drag the macro to your Formatting toolbar
9. Right click on the macro you just dragged up and choose Default
Style from the drop down menu.
10. Right click on it again and choose Edit Button Image
11. Click the Clear button and highlight a color and draw an image for
your macro.
12. Ok on out and you are ready to use your new button.

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