Elton Law
Dear Expert,
I am using Excel 2000 and want to have a pop-up msgbox closing in 2 or 3
seconds automatically.
I browsed the web and found following ....
But I tested .... It would not go away automatically in 2 seconds.
I have to press "OK" to kick this window out ....
Can you tell me how to fine-tune the VB scripts that make pop-up msgbox
really disappear in 3-second time please ?
PopUp or Warning Box, short duration (#popup)
Jim Rech posted code (2000-09-20) to put a warning box up for two seconds
and then disappear.
Thanks to Dave Peterson for mentioning this in newsgroups
Sub SelfClosingMsgBox()
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup "Hello", _
2, "This closes itself in 2 seconds"
End Sub
(End of Quote)
I am using Excel 2000 and want to have a pop-up msgbox closing in 2 or 3
seconds automatically.
I browsed the web and found following ....
But I tested .... It would not go away automatically in 2 seconds.
I have to press "OK" to kick this window out ....
Can you tell me how to fine-tune the VB scripts that make pop-up msgbox
really disappear in 3-second time please ?
PopUp or Warning Box, short duration (#popup)
Jim Rech posted code (2000-09-20) to put a warning box up for two seconds
and then disappear.
Thanks to Dave Peterson for mentioning this in newsgroups
Sub SelfClosingMsgBox()
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Popup "Hello", _
2, "This closes itself in 2 seconds"
End Sub
(End of Quote)