Auto Complete does not work?


Richie Tucker

I am having trouble getting the auto complete to work on my computer. I have
already been to internet options and checked to make sure the auto complete
boxes are checked. Anyway, what I am writting about is when you type aword
you have oriviuosly tyoes a dropdwon menu appears giving possible matches,
My computer will not perform this function nor has it ever. My computer is
only about six months old. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks Rich

Arvin Meyer

Richie Tucker said:
I am having trouble getting the auto complete to work on my computer. I have
already been to internet options and checked to make sure the auto complete
boxes are checked. Anyway, what I am writting about is when you type aword
you have oriviuosly tyoes a dropdwon menu appears giving possible matches,
My computer will not perform this function nor has it ever. My computer is
only about six months old. Any help will be appreciated.

AutoComplete? Do you mean AutoCorrect or AutoExpand?

AutoCorrect fills in predetermined words from the AutoCorrect list: (Tools
.... AutoCorrect)

AutoExpand is a property of a Combobox (Dropdown) which is set to Yes or No
on the combobox's Data tab of the property sheet. If there is a match it
goes there first.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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