Auto Complete Problem for 2007



I'm using the new version of Excel 2007. I have the Auto Complete option
turned on under options, however, it only works if I have that text/data on
the row directly above or below the row I'm working in.

Basically I can't have text in A1 = hello, A3 = bye, and in A7 have it auto
complete to any of the text appearing in that same column (as I type it). I
know I used to be able to do this in Excel 2003, no problem.


Ken Johnson

I'm using the new version of Excel 2007. I have the Auto Complete option
turned on under options, however, it only works if I have that text/data on
the row directly above or below the row I'm working in.

Basically I can't have text in A1 = hello, A3 = bye, and in A7 have it auto
complete to any of the text appearing in that same column (as I type it). I
know I used to be able to do this in Excel 2003, no problem.


I'm pretty sure AutoComplete in xl2003 wouldn't work in A7 if there
were any blank cells above A7.

However, if you fill B1:B7 with any data, I used 1s, AutoComplete will
work down to A7 regardless of intervening blanks.

Column B can be hidden.

I don't have xl2007:), so I don't know whether or not this xl2003
trick will work in xl2007.

Ken Johnson

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