Auto completion


Alan Crosby

I recently upgraded from Outlook 2000 to 2002. When I
type in the first few letters of a recipient's name and
hit the tab key, the auto-completion correctly identifies
the recipient. However, it takes the person's first name
and interprets it as a second e-mail address.

i.e. if I want to enter my own address, I would type in
cro and hit tab. That would resolve as follows:

crosby, alan; alan
crosby,alan; crosby,alan

(depending on whether the person's first name is unique or

All of this worked correctly in 2000. I know it is linked
to the feature which allows commas as separators. turning
this feature off solves the problem, but I'd rather not do
that since it used to work correctly. I also tried
deleting my nk2 file. That worked for about a day, but it
is back to the bad behavior.

Any suggestions?

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