Auto-copying text from one object to another



Hi. I have created a shape including two text objects. If the user changes
the text in one place, it should automatically update in the other as well.
How do I do this in Visio (2007)? Thanks in advance!

Chris Roth [Visio MVP]

Hi Zeph,

You can do this with inserted fields, and a little developer-ish trick.

First you need the 'other' shape's ID. You get this from the Format >
Special dialog.

If you don't see Format > Special, you need to turn on Developer mode
first. Do this via Tools > Options > Advanced Tab.


1. Select your shape
2. Menu: Insert > Field
3. Select "Custom Formula" at the bottom
4. Type: = ShapeText(Sheet.ID!TheText)
Replace ID with the number you gut for the 'other' shape's ID

That should do it!

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Visio Guy: Smart Graphics for Visual People

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