Auto-deletion of recurring emails.



Sometimes a get to read a notice or a newsletter email when it arrives in my
inbox. Sometimes I do not. I would like a process whereby the previous
notice and/or newsletter is auto-deleted when the next notice and/or
newsletter arrives in my inbox. Suggestions?


Thanks, but I tried and could not figure it out. Can't seem to create a new
button on my toolbar. I tried to create a new rule but can't get past
'performing a new action'. The options are blank and I don't know how to add
an action that will automatically delete the previous email when the new one
arrives in my inbox.

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

There's no built-in rule or action for that. I meant, you'd have to program
the solution yourself. But you might also look if an addin is already
available for that. A good place for that to start at is

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Manage and share your categories:

Am Sun, 13 Dec 2009 09:12:01 -0800 schrieb LenArias:

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